Friday, October 30, 2009

Museum Update

Michele Ange, fifth grade teacher, has been working over time on the Natural Museum. When you see her, please let her know if you appreciate her working one weekend to put a new fence in the Museum.

The Museum looks fabulous!!! We have several hands-on items for little hands to touch.
We also have several items to view.

If you would like to donate something to the Museum, please email me. We are also accepting monetary donations.

We just finished celebrating Red Ribbon Week. Students stomped out drugs one day by wearing mismatched shoes and on another day they stood up for drug free land by wearing red, white and blue. It was an interesting week. 

Mrs. Pearson normally leads Red Ribbon Week but she will be on maternity leave until December. Mrs. Thursten will be our part time counselor during November. We are glad to welcome Mrs. Thursten!

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