Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Half Way!

Wow! Did everyone enjoy the holidays? My family enjoys Christmas especially Nancijane. She was fortunate to get a drum set for Christmas. I've had a few parents to ask me, "Are you crazy?" There is a strong possibility that the answer could be yes!! However, I think it is important for students to explore different interests. Of course, I would have liked for her to play a flute but I suppose she is more a drum line type girl.

We attempt to offer as many extra curricula activities as possible here at OCR. In the past, we have offered skating, music, art, pottery, science, archery, Webkinz, and the list goes on and on. Although we have offered Spanish once we have not been able to offer a foreign language to our students on a regular basis. We have the possibility of applying for a teacher from China to teach our kids Chinese for a year. Would this be something parents and our community would support?